Proposal Writing Resources

To Write a Proposal Grant Proposal Editing/Writing Resources The Office of Research and Innovation is pleased to announce Grant Proposal editing/writing resources to help prepare faculty competitive proposals. The Grant Writer resources will assist faculty in the development of small and large proposals across multiple agencies. The Office of Research and Innovation will cover the …read more

Appointment of Relatives in Research

This page describes how The University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas) will identify and manage personal conflicts of interests created by the appointment of relatives in externally funded research. The purpose of identifying personal conflicts of interest is to ensure objectivity in the design and conduct of externally funded research projects. Responsible Parties “Principal …read more

Patents: An Introduction and Exploration

Introduction Patent law has always been fascinating to me. As I have advanced in my educational career at UT Dallas, from a biology undergraduate to my current status as a biotechnology graduate student, my interest in intellectual property has only grown. The Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC), the primary department responsible for regulating the university’s …read more

Know Your Sponsor

My son and a team of fellow elementary students did an experiment for school to see how much the splash pattern grew when you increased the height you dropped a water balloon. They still don’t know the answer to that question because the kids didn’t get the balloons high enough to pop the balloons, let …read more

Graduate Research Fellowships

The following is a list of nationally competitive graduate fellowships organized by deadline. Please note, this is not a list of all the graduate fellowships available. In order to develop a personalized search based on your research interests, please use the searchable database Pivot. If you have any questions about applying for any graduate research …read more

Federal Funding Opportunities for New and Young Faculty

A quick search of research opportunities for new faculty/investigators in the grant searching database Pivot yielded 6,544 results. That is a lot of opportunities and they vary in sponsor types (federal government, private institutions, and professional societies), areas of research, and practically every other area in which they can vary. So, the good news is …read more

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