Featuring NSF CAREER award recipients Dr. Qing Gu, Dr. Giacomo Valerio Iungo, and Dr. Michael Kolodrubetz, this panel discussion provides practical tips and guidance on not only program development and writing, but what happens during the review process.

“OSP Bank” of Previous CAREER Awards: Proposal Templates Library

For additional information related to funding opportunities in the Office of Research, please visit: Research Development and Internal Funding

Speaker information:
Dr. Ravi Prakash (moderator)
Department of Computer Science

Dr. Michael Kolodrubetz (panelist)
Assistant Professor of Physics
Department of Physics, School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Dr. Qing Gu (panelist)
Assistant Professor of Electrical Computer Engineering

Dr. Giacomo Valerio Iungo (panelist)
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering