The UT Dallas Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IAI) grant program is an internal funding mechanism designed to seed a new research Institute where artificial intelligence has a central role. The decision to launch the IAI was based on input developed by UTD faculty and staff which has been summarized in a white paper.
The envisioned IAI will have one or more research thrust(s) that aim to bring distinction to UT Dallas. Examples of envisioned research focus areas include, but are not limited to, digital twins and responsible AI. In addition to a research theme, the IAI should have the capacity to help university colleagues learn and incorporate AI tools into their research programs. For the purposes of this program, the proposed IAI will be initially housed in the Office of Research and Innovation (ORI) but will report to at least one school within UT Dallas. While the mission for the IAI focuses on research, it is expected that the IAI will collaborate with academic program leadership which aims to bring AI into the classroom. Collaboration between schools with secondary and perhaps tertiary participation is encouraged.
Award Information
- The IAI grant program is open to all Schools within the University.
- The maximum allowable budget for an IAI grant is $300,000/year for years 1-3, followed by $100,000 for an optional year 4.
- The duration of the IAI award will be no more than 48 months.
- Only one award is anticipated, dependent on availability of funds and quality of applications.
Submission Deadline: April 30, 2025
Program Guidelines:
A successful IAI proposal will demonstrate the following:
- A compelling argument that the theme area offers UT Dallas the opportunity to develop the institute with distinction and can foster one or more external funding opportunities for affiliated faculty, staff, and students.
- A focus on research dimensions of AI rather than education.
- The strong endorsement of the Deans of IAI affiliated faculty.
- A plan for engagement with the university research community to build collaborations across research thrusts, expand the Center’s reputation, and promote the research opportunities of working with AI.
- Faculty serving as PI or co-PI with more than $200,000 in discretionary funds (e.g. Research Enhancement and Chair cost centers) are expected to contribute at least $50,000 for the first year’s operating costs.
Eligibility Guidelines
- Adjunct faculty, affiliate faculty, visiting researchers, and postdocs are not eligible to serve as PI or founding faculty but may participate in the proposed IAI.
- Focused and dedicated leadership is necessary for the IAI to be successful. Therefore, neither department heads, program heads, deans, nor administrators are eligible to serve as PIs.
- A faculty member may submit only one IAI grant proposal as a PI or co-PI.
- Faculty participating in the review process are not eligible to apply concurrently for a IAI grant.
Allowable Expenses
- Supplies, publication costs, facility use and reagents
- Equipment
- Graduate student stipend, tuition and benefits
- Postdoctoral or Research Scientist support and benefits
- Travel, conference/workshop attendance, or conference/workshop hosting for team building
- Administrative, secretarial, or web support
Unallowable Expenses
- Faculty salary and/or benefits (neither academic year nor summer support permitted)
- Transfer of funds to institutions or individuals outside of UT Dallas
- Indirect costs
Required Submission Materials
Proposal documents should have 1-inch margins and use 12-point font. Upload one combined document (preferably in PDF format). Do not upload as a PDF portfolio.
- Summary. In 300 words or less describe the proposed IAI, the potential impact, and the collaboration for a general audience.
- Proposal. Limited to five pages with the following section headings in sequence. The bibliography does not count against the page limit.
- Rationale and Vision. Explain the mission of the IAI. What are the main intellectual problems and research needs now and in the near future? Address the degree that the proposed IAI theme is unique in Texas and the nation. Identify all other similar centers/institutes nationwide including location and differences the proposed IAI will offer. How does the IAI benefit North Texas as a resource?
- Mission. What is the mission of the proposed IAI and how does it complement the mission and strategic plan of UT Dallas and associated schools?
- Plan and Anticipated Accomplishments. Provide a description of your plan and explain what you plan to accomplish during the IAI grant award period with a timeline. How many faculty and students do you envision for the Institute? What kinds of accomplishments will be the basis of evaluating success (publications, patents, tech transfer, collaborations outside of UT Dallas through workshops, conferences or other outreach, etc.)? How will you engage with the UT Dallas research community?
- Team and Participating Personnel. Explain why the PI and founding faculty team has the background and abilities to form the IAI. List participating faculty members, research staff/scientists, post-doctoral fellows, providing an explanation of each participant’s role in the proposed IAI. If the proposal involves unfunded contributions from outside UT Dallas, describe the source(s) of support for those contributions. Are there commitments from school leadership to pursue faculty recruitment in the deficit areas? Letters of support may be included and do not count against the page limit.
- Leadership and Management Plan. Provide a description of the leadership plan for the proposed IAI including advisory committee members. Explain the organizational relationships and reporting structure among the key areas of responsibility. Provide a plan for annual open forum reporting to ORI primary leadership.
- Space and Equipment. Identify any space and/or equipment needs for the proposed Center.
- Acronym and Symbol Definitions. Provide a glossary of acronyms and symbols. Does not count against the page limit.
- External Funding Opportunities. Limited to one page, summarize the high priority external funding opportunities for which the IAI grant will enable the pursuit of external funding. Include a timeline with milestones for development of one or more external proposals, names of potential sponsoring agencies and solicitations and relevant deadlines for those agencies.
- Budget. Limited to two pages, provide a table with each expenditure category and line-item descriptions. The Office of Sponsored Projects budget template may be used.
- Budget justification. Limited to three pages, provide a justification for all expenditures.
- Co-funding. For the duration of this award, co-funding from within or outside UT Dallas is neither required nor considered for priority in funding. However, if the IAI, during this award phase, requires funds exceeding the stated limit, an academic unit may provide co-funding. If so, provide a description of the source and planned use of the funds to support the IAI. A letter of support from the academic unit leadership should accompany the application expressing commitment to provide the funds during the IAI grant award period.
- Previous seed grant funding. Limited to one page, if any team member has had previous seed grant funding through a UT Dallas program, detail the distinction between previous funding and the proposed project.
- Dean endorsement. Provide a letter of endorsement from the deans of IAI affiliated faculty.
- Biosketches. Provide biosketches in either NIH or NSF format for the faculty Key Personnel and founding faculty. Include a personal statement identifying the role of the individual in the project. Biosketches do not count towards the proposal page limit.
- Current and Pending. Provide NSF format current and pending support for the faculty Key Personnel. There is no page limit for current and pending support.
Application Review Process and Evaluation Criteria
IAI grant applications will be reviewed by a committee comprised of UT Dallas faculty and administrators with a range of scientific, technical, and research experience. Applicants will receive a brief list of strengths and weaknesses with a numerical rank (10=highly meritorious and recommended for funding, 1=low priority for application consideration). Awards will be announced following the completion of the reviews and funding will be available soon after. Evaluation criteria include:
- Unique nature of the IAI theme area(s).
- Capacity for UT Dallas to become a nationally recognized leader in the IAI’s theme area.
- Relevance of goals and plans for IAI activities to build a sustaining entity.
- The skills and abilities of the PI and faculty team to successfully pursue external funding.
- The targeted funding program(s), associated funding level(s), and timeline for pursuit.
- The degree of commitment of school leadership in sustaining aspects of Center operation following the completion of IAI grant support and (if necessary) addressing any deficit in faculty expertise through recruitment.
- The extent to which the IAI grant funding will enhance the competitiveness in securing external funding.
- The extent of difference between previous seed grant funding and the proposed project, if applicable.
Awardee Requirements
Upon award, you must submit the following information to the UT Dallas Office of Research and Innovation:
- Two weeks prior to the end of each IAI funded year: An annual report must be submitted to the cognizant school leadership and UT Dallas Office of Research and Innovation. The annual report must include research outcomes, other outcomes (manuscripts submitted/presented, conferences, etc.), and progress toward securing external funding.
- Upon request: Provide a brief presentation within UT Dallas during a research symposium or other event to highlight the IAI grant impact.
- Recipients will serve on Seed Grant review panels as requested. By accepting an award, recipients agree to score and provide written comments on assigned proposals before the review deadline and participate in in-person review meetings.
Other Terms and Conditions
- Funds will not be released until all necessary compliance related approvals and/or training are acquired, such as IRB, IACUC, IBC, RCR and COI.
- No more than 10% of any year’s award amount can be carried over to the following year, and any unspent funds will be returned to the UT Dallas Office of Research and Innovation.
- Failure to comply with any of the Awardee Requirements will result in suspension of IAI grant funding and faculty becoming ineligible for future seed grant competitions from the UT Dallas Office of Research and Innovation.
- The IAI grant award must be acknowledged in any resulting publications, exhibitions, or events including press releases, using the following language: “This project was funded (or partially funded) by The University of Texas at Dallas Office of Research and Innovation through the IAI grant program.”
Contact Us
For further information please contact Emily Lacy.