Take a ride down the Information Highway with our IRB team to learn about human subjects research. This presentation will provide an overview of the REDCap consent form process for human subjects research studies. The IRB Administration will provide guidance on considerations needed to ensure compliance of applicable Regulations and Policies during the electronic consent process, and the REDCap Team will provide guidance for creating the consent form in REDCap.
Important links and contact info:
Access REDCap: https://redcap.utdallas.edu/​
REDCap Documentation: https://utd.link/econsent-docs​
REDCap Questions: redcap-help@utdallas.edu
Still have questions about the Virtual Consent Process?
IRB-related questions: IRB@utdallas.edu
REDCap-related questions: redcap-help@utdallas.edu
Speaker Information:
Mary Beth Goodnight, Institutional Review Board (IRB) Specialist II, UTD Office of Research Integrity and Outreach
Vanllelyn D. Garcia, Software Systems Specialist I, UTD Office of Research Information Security (ORIS)