The Office of Research invites all UT Dallas students, faculty, and staff to participate in awarding a new honor that will be given out during the upcoming final round of the Spring 2021 Research Showcase Poster Competition, featuring the School of Arts and Humanities

This live virtual event will continue to feature real-time polling, where audience members can vote via text for their favorite contestant/research poster.  The addition of the new UT Dallas Community Choice Award provides an exclusive platform for members of the UTD community to view ongoing research and to voice their support of this educational endeavor by our exceptional graduate students. 

Online voting for the UTD Community Choice Award will be open from April 1-15, 2021. Click through each tile below to view a contestant’s video presentation (5-7 minutes each).  Then review the video’s description for the link to view their poster on OpenScience Framework (OSF). 

Janet Jacobs

Send More Butter: Finding Meaning In Civil War Food



Amal Shafek

A Feminist Recipe for Trauma Representation



Samuel Worthington

For the Defense of the Americas: U.S. Propaganda in WWII Latin America



The voting ballot for the UTD Community Choice Award includes the option to leave feedback for each student contestant.  Constructive feedback is a vital part of the learning process; therefore, it is encouraged that comments are entered for each contestant – and to do so as soon as possible after reviewing each poster and video presentation. 

Summary guidelines for the UT Dallas Community Choice Award:

  • Votes will be accepted between April 1-15, 2021. 
  • Voting for the UT Dallas Community Choice Award winner is only open to current UTD students, faculty or staff (as verified by SSO, using NetID and password). 
  • Only one ballot can be submitted per person.  
  • Feedback collected will remain anonymous and will be shared with the students after the competition.

For more information on the virtual poster competition taking place on Friday, April 16, visit

If you have questions about the voting ballot or need further assistance, please email