The Conflict of Interest Review System (“CIRS”) is designed to provide UTD faculty and researchers a streamline process for disclosing and managing relationships and responsibilities that involve the appearance for conflict of interest and commitment. CIRS is compliant with the requirements of University of Texas Systemwide Policies 175 and 180, as well as federal and state regulations.

CIRS offers two forms to assist for researchers in disclosing relationships and responsibilities that involve the appearance for conflict of interest and commitment:

  • The Conflict of Interest Disclosure (CID) form identifies research projects that are related to an outside activity or financial interest and likely to present the appearance of conflict of interest.
  • The Activity and Interest Report (AIR) discloses the nature and extent of outside activities and financial interests.

Conflict of Interest Disclosure Instructions

Step 1: Click the link above to access CIRS.

Step 2: Log in with your NetID and password.

Step 3: Click on the Create Disclosure Form button.

Step 4: Click on the Create Conflict of Interest Disclosure button.

Step 5: Review your Projects. Add any missing Projects or responsibilities.

Step 6: Review your Activity and Interest Reports.  Add or update your Activity and Interest Reports.

Step 7: Identify your Related Projects.

Step 8: When you are finished, click on the Submit for Review button to submit your CID to the COI Office for review.

If you need to change a submitted disclosure, please contact the Conflict of Interest Office, and request that your CID be returned to you in the system. If your disclosure has already been approved, please submit an updated disclosure by following Steps 1-8 above.

Activity and Interest Report Instructions

Step 1: Click the link above to access CIRS.

Step 2: Log in with your NetID and password.

Step 3: Click on the Create Disclosure Form button.

Step 4: Click on the Create Activity and Interest Report button.

Step 5: Describe the nature and extent of your relationship with the entity by completing the form questions.

Step 6: Complete the disclosure certification(s).

Step 7: Click on the Save & Submit to submit your AIR to the COI Office and your Approval Authority for review.

If you need to update or change a submitted AIR, open the submitted AIR and click on the Update Relationship button to edit the details of the form.

Other Information

Please visit our Disclosure Requirements page for information on who needs to submit a Conflict of Interest Disclosure or Activity and Interest Report, what financial interests and outside activities require disclosure, and a list of related regulations and policies.

If you have any questions or need any additional information, please send an email to

For technical assistance with the portal, please contact Research Information Systems.