Featured Posts

February 1st, 2021

Research Team Examining the Connection Between Aging Heart and Brain Health

Graphic of old people working out

Advancing age is associated not only with physical health problems but also with certain cognitive declines that are linked with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). An increased sedentary lifestyle leads to a greater risk of developing cardiovascular disease due to reduced arterial wall plasticity. Because MCI is considered to be a pre-clinical stage of Alzheimer’s disease, …read more

September 30th, 2020

Dr. Park’s Team is Working to Identify Alzheimer’s Disease Decades Before Memory Loss Becomes Apparent

Flock of birds making up a face

Dr. Denise Park leads a scientific team that uses advanced imaging techniques to identify the earliest changes in the brain that likely signifies Alzheimer’s disease many years into the future. A poster has been created on this topic. By age 85, about 1/3 of older adults are afflicted. Dr. Park’s work plays an important role …read more

September 7th, 2020

Gassensmith Lab and De Nisco Lab Partner with LARC to Create Bacterial Vaccine

Test Tubes

Written by Dr. Jeremiah Gassensmith. The Gassensmith Lab has been focusing on vaccine development for the last 4 years to improve immune memory and stabilize vaccination formulation at ambient temperatures. These two problems have been an ongoing issue for the global vaccination of many diseases. Our group has developed a metal-based polymer that self-assembles around …read more

August 31st, 2020

The De Nisco Lab is discovering alternate therapies for Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections (rUTIs)

Group of Researchers

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the most common bacterial infections in the world, with upwards of 150 million cases reported per year, primarily in women. UTIs are serious because many front-line antibiotics are no longer effective, making UTIs difficult to manage especially among postmenopausal women. While UTIs can persist for years, significantly reducing quality …read more

August 12th, 2020

The Heroes of the UTD Underground

Man loading boxes into a truck

Written by Dr. Zachary T. Campbell As the scale of the SARS Cov2 pandemic became apparent in March, universities began to consider the unimaginable – suspension of all in-person activities. It seemed far-fetched that this would come to pass. Yet, quarantines have been a federal power since 1878 but seldom exercised. The central question for …read more

May 28th, 2020

Award-Winning DALI System is Helping to Reduce Traffic Delays

Green traffic light

Americans spend an average of 97 hours per year in gridlock traffic, causing environmental pollution and costing US households $1,348 and the US economy $87 billion annually. A poster was created about this topic. While building new roads and repairing damaged ones is a start, the future of transportation lies in the implementation of Intelligent …read more

May 4th, 2020

Spring 2020 Seed Grant Winners

Heather Hayenga holding a mug that reads "I'm funded"

The Office of Research’s seed grant initiatives provide funding for faculty across various disciplines. The University’s award from the State of Texas National Research University Fund (NRUF) has helped us afford these internal funding opportunities. Congratulations to this year’s recipients: Seed Program for Interdisciplinary Research (SPIRe) The Marriage of Two-Dimensional Materials and Topological Insulators $100,000 …read more