Who Is My Grant Specialist?
To find the name of your grant specialist, review our Grant Specialist List. If the name you are looking for is not on the list, please call (972) 883-2313 or send an email to osp@utdallas.edu.
Publication of new knowledge developed under sponsored projects is a fundamental responsibility of the University. The University retains the right to publish all work done under sponsored projects and Principal Investigators are encouraged to use all appropriate channels to disseminate the results of their work. Publication delays of a reasonable period are allowed to permit filing of a patent application, to permit review for possible premature disclosure of patent application information, and to review for inadvertent disclosure of a sponsor’s confidential information. In all cases, the final decision to publish rests with the University.
Cost of Research
The University expects external sponsors to pay the actual costs of conducting the sponsored project. These costs include both the direct and the indirect (also know as facilities and administrative) cost obligations incurred by the University in the conduct of a project.
Conflict of Interest
This policy is established to comply with the regulations of the Public Health Service (PHS) and the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the responsibility of The University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) to promote objectivity in research by requiring that an employee of the University who applies for grants or cooperative agreements from the federal government for research, educational activities, or otherwise submits a proposal for sponsored research funding from any entity ensures that there is no reasonable expectation that the design, conduct, and reporting of research will be biased by any Significant Financial Interest of an Investigator responsible for the research or other educational activity.
Intellectual Property
The development, ownership, management, use, and marketing of intellectual property developed at the University are governed by The Intellectual Property Policy of The University of Texas System.
Research Integrity
Scholars and research personnel of the University are expected to adhere to the highest ethical standards for all research and scholarly work. It is the responsibility of every research investigator to maintain the integrity of research projects by keeping accurate, permanent, and auditable records of all experimental protocols, data, and findings. Misconduct in science and other scholarly activities is absolutely incompatible with the standards of the University and all allegations of such behavior will be handled promptly.