Awards Posts

February 9th, 2021

Dr. Zachary Campbell Receives $1.9 Million From NIH

Dr. Zachary Campbell

Dr. Zachary Campbell was awarded $1,998,717 from the National Institute of Health (NIH) for his research on Profiling Translation in Nociceptor Plasticity. Dr. Campbell’s team probe the effects of methylglyoxal on translational control and determine if blocking the integrated stress response is a viable option for neuropathic pain. The project involves mechanisms that promote chronic …read more

February 1st, 2021

Dr. Seth Hays’ Research on Service-Related Nerve Damage Is Funded By DoD

Dr. Seth Hays

The Department of Defense – Congressionally Directed Medical Research awarded Dr. Seth Hays $1,499,730 for his Restoring Sensory Function after Upper Limb Nerve Injury with Vagus Nerve Stimulation project. Dr. Hays’ research continues his work toward developing a novel therapy to treat loss of strength and touch sensation after damage to the nerves in the …read more

January 25th, 2021

NIH Funds Dr. Palmer’s $2.4 Million Project

Dr. Kelli Palmer

Dr. Kelli Palmer received $2,467,449 from the National Institute of Health (NIH) for her research on Adaptive Alterations of Lipids in Mitis Group Streptococci. Streptococcus mitis is typically found in the human mouth and causes infections in the bloodstream and heart valve. Dr. Palmer’s research will test her theory that the ability of Streptococcus mitis …read more

January 12th, 2021

Dr. Kolodrubetz Receives CAREER Award from NSF

Dr. Michael Kolodrubetz

The National Science Foundation awarded Dr. Michael Kolodrubetz, Assistant Professor of Physics, a CAREER award for his research on Floquet Route to Non-Equilibrium Phases of Matter in Cavity QED. The $500,633 project will focus on a class of systems known as many-body cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED), which gives access to quantum properties of light and …read more

January 12th, 2021

NSF Funds Dr. Hu’s Multi-System Driving Project

Dr. Yang Hu

Dr. Yang Hu, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, received a CAREER award from the National Science Foundation for his research on Rethinking the Architectures and Systems for Autonomous Driving Infrastructure. The $508,339 project aims to redesign the way driving works: from a single-body car-based platform to a networked multi-object system where competencies interact among cars …read more

December 2nd, 2020

NSF Funds Dr. Zhang’s Java Debugging Research

Dr. Lingming Zhang

Dr. Lingming Zhang, assistant professor of computer science in the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science received a National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award for his research on Maximal and Scalable Unified Debugging for the JVM Ecosystem. The $519,819 award will enable Dr. Zhang’s project goal of a practical …read more

November 17th, 2020

Dr. Leonidas Bleris Uses NSF Grant to Understand microRNA Communication

Dr. Leonidas Bleris

Dr. Leonidas Bleris, Associate Professor of Bioengineering, received $623,679 from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for his project Collaborative Research: Unraveling Extracellular MicroRNA Communication. His research focuses on the relatively unexplored process of cell-to-cell communication via microRNAs. The goal of this project is to develop a better understanding of microRNA-mediated cell-to-cell communication and a new …read more

November 13th, 2020

NIH Funds Dr. Girgis Obaid’s Molecular Cancer Project

Dr. Girgis Obaid

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) awarded Dr. Girgis Obaid $723,942 for his research on Molecular Imaging-directed Bioengineering of Nanoconjugates as Adaptable Tumor Targeting Platforms. The project will utilize quantitative dual-tracer molecular binding imaging as the primary criterion for defining in vivo molecular selectivity of modular nanoconjugates at the cellular level, and will thus accurately …read more

November 3rd, 2020

Dr. Benedict Kolber Lands NIH Grant to Study Amygdala Effects on Bladder Pain

Dr. Benedict Kolber

Dr. Benedict Kolber, Associate Professor in the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences, received an $894,342 award from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for his research on Impact of Amygdala Lateralization on Processing and Modulation of Bladder Pain. Dr. Kolber’s goal is to understand the extent to which areas in the brain are responsible …read more

November 3rd, 2020

NSF Grants $1.4 Million for Cybertraining Research Center

Dr. Christopher Simmons

The National Science Foundation (NSF) awarded Dr. Christopher Simmons $1.4 million in support of the new Texas Education and Research Cybertraining Center (TERCC). Dr. Simmons is the Director of Cyberinfrastructure and Research Services in the Office of Information Technology (OIT). The grant will enable the Texas Research and Education Cyberinfrastructure Services (TRECIS) center to build …read more