Materials Science and Engineering Posts

January 30th, 2023

UTD Aims To Strengthen Semiconductor Tech, Trade with New Hubs

On January 20th 2023, UTD’s new research center, The Center for Harsh Environment Semiconductors and Systems (CHESS) reveals their demand for materials and devices that can sustain extreme mechanical conditions, used for military procedures and assist the  North Texas Semiconductor Institute (NTxSI) in accelerating semiconductor innovation. In addition to CHESS’s demand, the director of CHESS, …read more

October 25th, 2022

Dr. Julia Wan-Ping Hsu earns nearly $500,000 from the NSF

Dr. Julia Wan-Ping Hsu

Dr. Julia Wan-Ping Hsu has received $482,831 for her research BRITE Pivot: Machine Learning Accelerated Optimization of Flash Lamp Processed Thin-films for Flexible Optoelectronic Applications from the NSF. This project investigates the use of light from a flash lamp instead of furnace heating for thin film processing and adopts machine learning approaches to accelerate process …read more

June 7th, 2022

Dr. Julia W. P. Hsu receives $270,000 from the SRC

Dr. Julia Wan-Ping Hsu has received $270,000 from the Semiconductor Research Corporation for her research on Carbon-free Sol-gel Precursors for Metal Oxide EUV Resist. Dr. Hsu will investigate the sensitivity for solubility switching in indium-based precursors and study their mechanisms through in-situ measurements of film chemistry and decomposition products

July 30th, 2020

Space Science Researcher Awarded $545,640 from NASA


NASA has awarded Dr. Hui Zhu, a Research Associate in Space Sciences, $545,640 for her research on the Characteristics of Magnetic Dips in the Inner Magnetosphere. The goal of this project is to characterize the statistical features of magnetic dips in the inner magnetosphere and to quantify the response of radiation belt electrons to magnetic …read more

November 6th, 2019

NSF Funds Dr. Amy Walker’s Efforts to Diversify STEM

Dr. Walker assisting a student

Dr. Amy Walker received a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for her work with UT System’s Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP), Bridge-to-Doctorate (BD) program, through the University of Texas at Dallas . The $1 million award will support underrepresented minority (URM) students in completing doctoral degrees in STEM and will develop …read more