The Office of Sponsored Projects is putting together a series of short videos in an effort to keep University researchers abreast of the ever-changing Sponsored Programs Administration climate. In this fourth short video, Grants and Contracts Specialist, Matthew Kingore discusses Allocation of Rights Agreement. Questions?
Sponsored Projects Posts
Office of Sponsored Projects: Reporting Milestones
The Office of Sponsored Projects is putting together a series of short videos in an effort to keep University researchers abreast of the ever-changing Sponsored Programs Administration climate. In this third short video, Associate Director Emily Lacy discusses Reporting Milestones.
Data Management Plans and Tools
Sponsors are looking for a thoughtful data management plan in which data will be properly obtained, analyzed, reported, and published. Most funding agencies now require a Data Management Plan (DMP), but almost any research project would benefit from having one in place prior to collecting a single data point. A complete DMP outlines the processes, …read more
Applying for a Grant? This Research Might Change Your Approach
If you’ve applied for federal funding for your research, you know the importance of understanding your sponsor’s goals, writing clearly and concisely, and paying close attention to deadlines. Yet, a well-prepared proposal doesn’t guarantee you’ll receive funding. According to researchers Ted and Courtney von Hippel’s article, “To Apply or Not to Apply: A Survey Analysis …read more
From the Government and Here to Help: NIH Grant Proposal Resources
If a grant proposal to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is in your future, do yourself a favor and spend some time on the NIH website. Whatever you think about the government’s ability to help, the NIH, especially the Office of Extramural Research, has put some real time and resources into tools designed to …read more
Grant Award Requirements: Know Them Before Writing the Proposal
I have no idea what I’ve agreed to when I click the button that says “Yes, I’ve reviewed all the rules and regulations” before I update the software on my phone. My family, mostly comprised of lawyers, are somewhat appalled by this, but I say, “Well, if I want to use the phone, I need …read more
Tips for Better Self-Editing
There are not a lot of people who enjoy editing their own work. And, because so often, as writers, we are writing against a deadline, we don’t give ourselves enough time to do a complete edit. A complete edit needs time. The longer you can be away from your writing, the more people you can …read more
Know Your Sponsor
My son and a team of fellow elementary students did an experiment for school to see how much the splash pattern grew when you increased the height you dropped a water balloon. They still don’t know the answer to that question because the kids didn’t get the balloons high enough to pop the balloons, let …read more
Part Two: How Long Does It Take to Write a Grant? The Entire Grant Proposal Development Task List
In an earlier blog, I said I would provide a list to all the pieces involved in developing a grant proposal, because there is a lot more to it than the writing, although the writing is obviously a huge part. This is a long list and it is also why I think you need time …read more
Part One: How Long Does It Take to Write a Grant? In Praise of Going Slow
I have been working with a student on his personal statement for a fellowship application. The document is two pages, double-spaced, so the statement will be less than 600 words by the time it is complete. We’ve been working on this document for about a month. I think this afternoon I sent him the final …read more