Dr. Benedict Kolber Lands NIH Grant to Study Amygdala Effects on Bladder Pain

Dr. Benedict Kolber, Associate Professor in the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences, received an $894,342 award from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for his research on Impact of Amygdala Lateralization on Processing and Modulation of Bladder Pain. Dr. Kolber’s goal is to understand the extent to which areas in the brain are responsible …read more

Introduction to SBIR/STTR Subcontracts

Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) awards can lead to productive, long-term relationships that result in additional funding, student opportunities, and licensing deals. In this video, learn the process and requirements for researchers as they engage with small businesses to propose and perform SBIR/STTR subcontracts.  The University of Texas at Dallas Office of …read more

Dr. Lawrence Reitzer, Defining Bacteria in UTIs

Dr. Lawrence Reitzer is a Professor in the department of Biological Sciences of the School of Natural Sciences & Mathematics at the University of Texas at Dallas. In collaboration with Dr. Philippe Zimmern of the urology department at the University of Texas Southwestern, Dr. Reitzer’s current research aims to understand and characterize the two major …read more

Proposal Writing Resources

To Write a Proposal Grant Proposal Editing/Writing Resources The Office of Research and Innovation is pleased to announce Grant Proposal editing/writing resources to help prepare faculty competitive proposals. The Grant Writer resources will assist faculty in the development of small and large proposals across multiple agencies. The Office of Research and Innovation will cover the …read more

Q&A with Seed Grant Winner, Dr. Bart Rypma

Dr. Bart Rypma was recently awarded the Major Extramural Grant Award (MEGA) for Development of Calibrated fMRI at the UT Dallas Center for BrainHealth Imaging Center. Dr. Rypma’s research is aimed at exploring the cognitive and neurobiological mechanisms of human memory and how those mechanisms are affected by aging and disease. Dr. Rypma is a …read more

New Faculty Research Symposium Grant

Overview The UT Dallas New Faculty Research Symposium Grant is an internal funding mechanism designed to stimulate interdisciplinary research collaborations between newly hired (start date after January 2023) UT Dallas faculty and established (those hired prior to January 2023) UT Dallas faculty. Successful proposals will include at least two faculty members serving as PIs from …read more

BONES with Dr. Danieli Rodrigues

Dr. Danieli Rodrigues is an Associate Professor in the department of Bioengineering at UT Dallas. She runs the BONE (Biomaterials for Osseointegration and Novel Engineering) lab to develop novel biomaterials for bone-contacting interfaces to address current challenges related to implant performance and biomaterial-implant-body interactions. Dr. Rodrigues was recently awarded a CoBRA (Collaborative Biomedical Research Award) …read more

Appointment of Relatives in Research

This page describes how The University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas) will identify and manage personal conflicts of interests created by the appointment of relatives in externally funded research. The purpose of identifying personal conflicts of interest is to ensure objectivity in the design and conduct of externally funded research projects. Responsible Parties “Principal …read more

Mass Spec Core (MSC)

The Mass Spectrometry Core (MSC) facility maintained and operated by Office of Research and Innovation provides services and expertise for the analysis of small and large molecules to users across campus and to external users. Currently, the MSC facility consists of Waters Xevo-Qtof coupled with Acquity UPLC H-class or nanoAcquity UPLC M-class (NSF award number: …read more

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