Q&A with Computer Scientist Ryan McMahan

Dr. Ryan McMahan is an assistant professor in the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science and the School of Arts, Technology and Emerging Communications. His research focuses on the “effects of system fidelity for virtual reality (VR) applications and systems.” Recently, Dr. McMahan was awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Grant that …read more

2016 Undergraduate Research Poster Contest

April 11th through 15th was the 5th Annual Exhibition of Excellence in Undergraduate Research, or simply Research Week, as it has come to be known. During the weeklong series of events, student recipients of Undergraduate Research Scholar Awards present their research at a poster exhibition open to the community. Judges from UT Dallas determine who will move on to …read more

Q&A with Arden Wells, Future Geoscientist, Newest NSF Fellow

Arden Wells is a senior geoscience major in the School of Natural Sciences and Math at UT Dallas. A recent awardee of the 2016 National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF GRFP), Arden places among some of the nation’s top student researchers. It is one of the country’s oldest fellowship programs that enables students …read more

Forms and FAQs

Forms Access Checklist Event Reservation Form BSB/NSERL Event Guidelines Building Occupancy Handbook Building Emergency Contact List Please contact Research Facilities for any questions. Frequently Asked Questions I require lab access in BSB/NSERL. How do I get access? What is BioRaft? How do I get signed up? After completing my BioRaft training, how long will it …read more

Spin It

Recently, I got to speak at my son’s elementary school’s Career Day. I did it the year before and had a great time, so I signed up again. The format is pretty consistent. I got a few minutes per class to tell them about my career path, focusing heavily on my education, and then what …read more

Q&A with Professor of Public Policy and NCAA Athletics Representative

Dr. Kurt Beron is a professor at the university’s School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences. We recently met with Dr. Beron to discusses his latest research project and the work he’s doing with the NCAA. He will be the featured speaker at the Data Management, Ownership and Intellectual Property meeting to discuss responsible data management …read more

Worldwide Efforts of Researcher Impacts Health, Atherosclerosis

It’s no surprise that UT Dallas senior, Melanie Maurer, has an interest in matters of the heart.  Upon meeting the backpack-toting biomedical engineering student, it’s equally clear to see that she’s prepared for the journey of combating heart disease.  Bringing not only awards, knowledge, and volunteer experience into classrooms and labs, she also possesses a …read more

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