Awards Posts

June 7th, 2022

Dr. Julia W. P. Hsu receives $270,000 from the SRC

Dr. Julia Wan-Ping Hsu has received $270,000 from the Semiconductor Research Corporation for her research on Carbon-free Sol-gel Precursors for Metal Oxide EUV Resist. Dr. Hsu will investigate the sensitivity for solubility switching in indium-based precursors and study their mechanisms through in-situ measurements of film chemistry and decomposition products

May 31st, 2022

Dr. Kelly Jahn awarded over $360,000 from the NIH

Dr. Kelly Jahn has been awarded $368,700 from the National Institutes of Health for her research on Neural Signatures of Enhanced Central Auditory Gain in Hyperacusis. Dr. Jahn proposes a training plan to develop objective, non-invasive physiological biomarkers that can quantitatively dissociate complaints of enhanced loudness perception and sound-evoked distress in individuals with hyperacusis, and which have the …read more

May 24th, 2022

Dr. Shengwang Du earns $450,000 from the AFOSR

Dr. Shengwang Du earns $450,000 from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research for his work in the Entanglement Distribution among Six Remote Quantum Nodes through Cold Atomic Ensembles and Photon Polarizations. In this project, Du proposes a new approach to overcome experimental drawbacks based on cold atomic ensembles and their interaction with single-photon polarization …read more

May 17th, 2022

Dr. Sven Kroener awarded over $1.7 million from the NIH

Dr. Sven Kroener received $1,764,500 from the National Institutes of Health for his research on Synaptic Changes in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex in the Development of Compulsive Alcohol Drinking. The experiments in this project will use an animal model of alcohol self-administration to study maladaptive changes in synaptic plasticity in specific prefrontal cortical networks that …read more

April 8th, 2022

Spring 2022 IRB HIVE Recipient: Ginni Strehle

The Human Subjects Research Office is pleased to announce that Ginni Strehle, member of the Infant Learning Project lab, has been selected as the recipient of the Spring 2022 IRB HIVE Award!   Ms. Strehle is currently an undergraduate student who will be graduating with her B.S. in Psychology this semester, is a fast-track student …read more

January 28th, 2022

Fall 2021 IRB HIVE Winner: Siri Wilder

The HIVE award is a way to recognize UTD students and staff exhibiting positive Habits, Ideals, Values, and Ethics in human subjects research. No one deserves the honor more than the Fall 2021 winner, Siri Wilder. Members of the Human Subjects Research Office met with Ms. Wilder to learn more about her and her research …read more

October 15th, 2021

Dr. Lindsay King Awarded Over $300,000 From NSF

Headshot of Dr. Lindsey King

Dr. Lindsay King received $322,867 from the the National Science Foundation for her REU in Theoretical and Experimental Physics. The REU site in experimental and theoretical physics will develop the research, problem-solving, and communication skills of eight REU Fellows. The program seeks to broaden participation and retention in physics and other scientific careers of under-represented groups. The …read more

October 8th, 2021

Dr. Tyler Holt Summers awarded $500,000 from NSF

Dr. Tyler Holt Summers

Dr. Tyler Holt Summers received $500,000 from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for his research on CAREER: Data-Driven Control of Dynamical Networks: Robustness, Risk, and Network Architectures. Dr. Summers will build a framework for analysis and design of data-driven control algorithms and architectures for dynamical networks. The application focus will be on autonomous energy grids …read more

October 1st, 2021

Dr. Jie Zhang Receives Over $800,000 from ONR

Dr. Jie Zhang

The Office of Naval Research awarded Dr. Jie Zhang $808,762 for his research on Learning on Graphs for Resilience Decision-Support in Real-World Networks. This project is to develop a unified “learning on graphs” framework that enables generation of robust, scalable, and generalizable combinatorial policies over graphs, to support real-time decision-making for recovery of disrupted real-world networks. The following integrative research activities …read more

July 23rd, 2021

Dr. Weichen Eric Wong Awarded $400,000 From NSF

Dr. Weichen Eric Wong

Dr. Weichen Eric Wong received $404,772 from the the National Science Foundation (NSF) for his research on REU Site: Software Safety and Reliability: Research, Practice, and Innovation. Dr. Wong evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of existing methodologies and current practices for safety assurance and reliability modeling and prediction. His research explores how software safety and reliability requirements may …read more