Awards Posts

August 16th, 2022

Dr. Jung-Mo Ahn earns over $950,000 from UTHSCSA

Dr. Jung-Mo Ahn

Dr. Jung-Mo Ahn has received $956,625 from The UT Health Science Center at San Antonio for his research on Enhancing Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Ovarian Cancer. His team has identified a new molecular target protein for treating multiple cancers that have been challenging to kill, and developed novel molecules for stopping the protein and inhibiting …read more

August 8th, 2022

HSR HIVE Recipient: Erin Venza

Erin Venza

The Human Subjects Research Office is pleased to announce that Erin Venza, staff member of Dr. Chapman’s lab, has been selected as the recipient of the Summer 2022 HIVE Award! The HIVE award is a way to recognize UTD students and staff exhibiting positive Habits, Ideals, Values, and Ethics in human subjects research.  Erin graduated …read more

August 2nd, 2022

Dr. Aria Nosratinia receives over $900,000 from the NSF

Dr. Aria Nosratinia has been awarded $998,168 from the National Science Foundation for his research on RINGS: Resilience of NextG Communication Systems to Malicious Modification Attacks. This project concentrates on the modification threats that infiltrate the physical layer of wireless communication systems, inflicting harm by compromising data, or hampering legitimate communication via jamming and denial …read more

July 26th, 2022

Dr. Sven Kroner awarded $1.9 million from the NIH

Dr. Sven Kroner has been awarded $1,966,165 from the National Institutes of Health for his research on how Vagus Nerve Stimulation Modulates Synaptic Plasticity in the Rat Prefrontal Cortex during the Extinction of Drug-seeking. The experiments in this project will use an animal model of cocaine-seeking to study maladaptive changes in synaptic plasticity that drive drug-seeking and they will determine …read more

July 19th, 2022

Dr. Christa McIntyre lands over $2 million from the NIH

Dr. Christa McIntyre has been awarded $2,164,934 from the National Institutes of Health for her research Vagus Nerve Stimulation Targets Fear Pathways to Enhance Extinction of Conditioned Fear. Dr. McIntyre proposes behavioral experiments designed to evaluate whether vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) produces more persistent and generalized extinction memories, which would provide important preclinical evidence that VNS could …read more

July 12th, 2022

Dr. Meghan Swanson earns $3.7 million from the NIH

Dr. Meghan Swanson has earned $3,723,932 from the National Institutes of Health for her research on Caregiver Speech and Brain-Behavior Development in Infants At-Risk for ASD. The overall goal of the proposed longitudinal study is to enable and inform presymptomatic infant interventions for autism by examining the relationships between infant vocalizations, caregiver speech, and brain-behavior development in infants at high familial risk …read more

June 28th, 2022

Dr. Lev Gelb awarded over $400,000 from from the LANL

Dr. Lev Gelb has been awarded $404,342 from the Los Alamos National Laboratory for his research on Acoustic Resonance Variance with Pressure and Imperfections in Hermetically-sealed Containers. The objective of this project is to develop and provide signal processing options and machine learning options for LANL specified applications. Detailed literature searches and vendor interactions will …read more

June 21st, 2022

Dr. Phillip Anderson earns over $250,000 from NASA

Dr. Phillip Anderson has been awarded $253,380 from NASA for his research on The Response of the Ionosphere/Thermosphere System to Forcing by Atmospheric Waves. The primary purposes of the research are to specify the conditions in the ionosphere/thermosphere associated with bubble formation and quantify the relationship between traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs), that result from gravity …read more