Featured Posts

June 20th, 2017

Speaking Outside Your Field: Having an Attitude

Researcher showing poster to viewer

The first impression at a poster contest, as either the presenter or the listener, is a big deal. Granted, you have a lot of chances to make first impressions, but after spending some time listening at the Undergraduate Research Poster Contest, I saw some really bad and really good first impressions. Although, for the sake …read more

June 6th, 2017

Know Your Sponsor

Person leaning over papers on desk

My son and a team of fellow elementary students did an experiment for school to see how much the splash pattern grew when you increased the height you dropped a water balloon. They still don’t know the answer to that question because the kids didn’t get the balloons high enough to pop the balloons, let …read more

May 23rd, 2017

Q&A With Dr. Umit Gurun, Professor of Accounting and Finance

Dr. Umit Gurun

In this day and age, immigration and business are two hot-button topics. Not surprisingly, immigration and business go hand in hand. Dr. Umit Gurun, a professor of accounting and finance at the Naveen Jindal School of Management, recently published a study in the Journal of Finance that examines immigrants’ influence on trade. In this Q&A, …read more

March 28th, 2017

Q&A with NSF Fellowship Awardee, PhD Chemistry Student

Candace Benjamin

Over 13,000 students applied to the Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) from the National Science Foundation (NSF), but only 2,000 succeeded in receiving an award. Candace Benjamin, UT Dallas PhD student and “super scientist” in the Gassensmith Lab, shines among those winners. Candace will receive three years of financial support towards a research-based masters or …read more

December 13th, 2016

How to Contact Program Officers

Mid adult Caucasian and Hispanic businessmen shake hands during meeting. They are attending a breakout session during a seminar.

The role of a Program Officer (or Program Manager or Technical Point of Contact, depending on the sponsor) varies a lot between sponsors. For example, while it is extremely difficult to get Department of Defense funding without talking to the Program Officer, it is quite common to get funding from the National Institutes of Health …read more

December 6th, 2016

Q&A: Neuroscience Expert Shares Addiction Research

Dr. Francesca Filbey

Dr. Francesca Filbey has made a name for herself through her research on the cognitive neuroscience of addiction. A graduate of King’s College in London, Dr. Filbey is an associate professor in the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences (BBS) at UT Dallas and the Director of Cognitive Neuroscience of Addictive Behaviors at the Center …read more

November 29th, 2016

Discover Opportunities by Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

Hyunjoo Eunice Ko

College is a great time for self-discovery and creating new experiences. You can take part in one or a few of the hundreds of student organizations on campus and start new friendships by meeting people. The undergraduate experience at UT Dallas is no exception. With new student organizations being created every semester and various, new …read more