Research Related

  • Dr. Shengwang Du earns $450,000 from the AFOSR

    Dr. Shengwang Du earns $450,000 from the AFOSR


    Dr. Shengwang Du earns $450,000 from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research for his work in the Entanglement Distribution among Six Remote Quantum Nodes through Cold Atomic Ensembles and Photon Polarizations. In this project, Du proposes a new approach…

  • We Are Using Soundwaves to Sensitize Tumors

    We Are Using Soundwaves to Sensitize Tumors


    Neuroblastoma is the most common extracranial solid tumor found in children. If you’re not familiar with this form of cancer, the term neuro refers to nerves, and blastoma is cancer that starts in immature or developing cells. High-risk neuroblastoma is particularly deadly, with cure…

  • Hanover Research: Supplemental Funding

    Hanover Research: Supplemental Funding

    Interested in writing a supplement project proposal? Join Sarah Ott, senior grants consultant for Hanover Research, as she presents how to write a supplement project proposal and how it should complement the parent award. Learn what grants support supplements, how…

  •  NSF CAREER Spotlight Series: Dr. Hejun Zhu

     NSF CAREER Spotlight Series: Dr. Hejun Zhu


    Dr. Hejun Zhu, associate professor in Geophysics, will speak at this NSF CAREER Spotlight Series presenting the research taking place in the UTD seismic imaging laboratory, and sharing his experience and timeline for developing the NSF CAREER proposal.

  • Workshop on Sustainability in Research

    Workshop on Sustainability in Research

    Below are the participants in the Workshop on Sustainability in Research, held on April 26, 2022. David Hyndman Dean, School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics