Research Related

  • Hanover Research: Supplemental Funding

    Hanover Research: Supplemental Funding

    Interested in writing a supplement project proposal? Join Sarah Ott, senior grants consultant for Hanover Research, as she presents how to write a supplement project proposal and how it should complement the parent award. Learn what grants support supplements, how…

  •  NSF CAREER Spotlight Series: Dr. Hejun Zhu

     NSF CAREER Spotlight Series: Dr. Hejun Zhu


    Dr. Hejun Zhu, associate professor in Geophysics, will speak at this NSF CAREER Spotlight Series presenting the research taking place in the UTD seismic imaging laboratory, and sharing his experience and timeline for developing the NSF CAREER proposal.

  • Workshop on Sustainability in Research

    Workshop on Sustainability in Research

    Below are the participants in the Workshop on Sustainability in Research, held on April 26, 2022. David Hyndman Dean, School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

  • Spring 2022 IRB HIVE Recipient: Ginni Strehle

    Spring 2022 IRB HIVE Recipient: Ginni Strehle

    The Human Subjects Research Office is pleased to announce that Ginni Strehle, member of the Infant Learning Project lab, has been selected as the recipient of the Spring 2022 IRB HIVE Award!   Ms. Strehle is currently an undergraduate student…

  • Sensing in Service of Society

    Sensing in Service of Society

    According to the World Health Organization, the toll air pollution takes on a human body is equivalent to eating an unhealthy diet and smoking. Clean air is necessary for optimal health. A multi-disciplinary team at UT Dallas, including Dr. David…

  • Broader Impacts: Sustainability, Environment, Equity, and Economy

    Broader Impacts: Sustainability, Environment, Equity, and Economy

    The Earth’s population continues to grow and our natural resources are limited. It’s important for individuals and communities to learn to live together sustainably. Watch this recorded session as the Office of Research and Innovation partner with the Office of…

  • Addressing Air Pollution

    Addressing Air Pollution


    Clean air is fundamental to our health. Air pollution has a similar burden of disease to unhealthy diets and smoking, according to the World Health Organization. It is associated with non-communicable diseases such as ischemic heart disease, stroke, chronic obstructive…

  • East Region Hazmat Training

    East Region Hazmat Training

    UT Dallas Research, Campus, and Environmental Safety (RCES) in partnership led by Chief Gene Senter, Assistant Chief of Operations Richardson Fire Department (RFD), recently facilitated a three-day (January 10th, 12th, and 14th) training exercise for East Region Hazardous Materials (HazMat)…

  • Research 411 Talk Show: Alzheimer’s Disease

    Research 411 Talk Show: Alzheimer’s Disease

    In the United States, one in nine people aged 65 years and older is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. There is an increased prevalence of Alzheimer’s Disease among individuals that are socioeconomically disadvantaged. During this Research 411 Talk Show, Dr. Gagan…