Research Related

  • Comet Corner Series: Aging and Psychosis

    Comet Corner Series: Aging and Psychosis

    Contributions of aging to complex brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s Disease or psychotic disorders (e.g., Schizophrenia) are influenced by a myriad of factors, and is difficult to predict. Dr. Kristen Kennedy, associate professor in UTD’s School of Behavioral and Brain…

  • NSF CAREER Spotlight Series: Dr. Gabriele Meloni

    NSF CAREER Spotlight Series: Dr. Gabriele Meloni

    In this video, Dr. Gabriele Meloni shared his experience with planning, drafting, and developing effective strategies to prepare a successful NSF CAREER proposal that can be attractive for both reviewers and program officers. Integrating research and technical aims with educational…

  • Breaking Through the Glass Ceiling: Leading With Diversity

    Breaking Through the Glass Ceiling: Leading With Diversity

    Watch as the Office of Research and Innovation hosts Dr. Susan Hockfield, the sixteenth president of MIT and the first woman to lead the Institute, in a virtual seminar to discuss how she has broken through barriers in her career…

  • Research 411 Talk Show: It’s All in Your Breath

    Research 411 Talk Show: It’s All in Your Breath

    Listen to this #UTDResearchImpact talk show as Dr. Shalini Prasad shared knowledge related to her highly sensitive breath analyzer system and how she partnered with Sotech Health to commercialize and bring the product to the market. Speaker information Dr. Shalini…

  • Navigating NIH Funding

    Navigating NIH Funding


    In this video, Dr. Lauren Ullrich, program director in the Office of Programs to Enhance Neuroscience Workforce Diversity at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), discussed National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding opportunities and research and career…

  • Mentor and Mentee Relationships and Responsibilities Webinar

    Mentor and Mentee Relationships and Responsibilities Webinar

    Where does the role of a mentor fit in when supporting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)? In this video, Dr. Bhavani Thuraisingham, UTD Professor of Computer Science, shared personal mentoring stories including how lack of mentoring was difficult and how…

  • 3rd Annual New Faculty Research Symposium

    3rd Annual New Faculty Research Symposium


    On November 4, 2021, the Office of Research and Innovation hosted the 3rd annual New Faculty Research Symposium. This events provides an opportunity for new faculty members to showcase their research in a “three-minute thesis” style forum, while established faculty…