Research at UT Dallas

Advancing Research

The Office of Research and Innovation fosters the advancement of cutting-edge research discoveries and technology at the University of Texas at Dallas, an innovative institution in the heart of North Texas that has achieved Tier One national research status.

Diverse group of researchers working in research lab environment.

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thumbnail Team Finds Positively Brighter Understanding of How Kidneys Work
Gold nanoparticles are key to University of Texas at Dallas research that has changed researchers’ understanding of how kidneys work at the fundamental level. New research by University of Texas at Dallas scientists is providing fundamental insight into how the kidneys remove materials from the blood and excrete them into the urine based on the [...]


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thumbnail Pain Researchers Earn Scholars Award, Society Fellowship
Dr. Katelyn Sadler, assistant professor of neuroscience at The University of Texas at Dallas, is one of seven pain researchers in the U.S. selected as 2024 Rita Allen Foundation Scholars. Sadler received a three-year, $150,000 Scholars Award in Pain that will support her work on how bacteria in the gut and on the skin contribute [...]


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thumbnail Researchers Create Solution That Makes Living Skin Transparent
Dr. Zihao Ou, assistant professor of physics at UT Dallas, holds a vial of the common yellow food coloring tartrazine in solution. In an article published online Sept. 5 in Science, Ou and his colleagues report that they safely made the skin of live mice transparent by applying the dye solution. The process is reversible. [...]


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