For Participants

The University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) Office of Research Integrity and Outreach is responsible for ensuring the protection of the rights, welfare, and well-being of participants involved in research studies conducted by UTD faculty, staff and students – per federal law and regulations. One way this is accomplished is by having all research studies …read more

Conflict Management Guidelines

To submit your Conflict of Interest Disclosure or Activity and Interest Report, please visit the Conflict of Interest Review System. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact the Conflict of Interest Office. Conflict of Interest in Research A conflict of interest exists when a researcher’s personal or financial interests could directly …read more

Human Subjects Protections

Legacy Study Update: Due to inconsistencies identified between the initially approved studies and corresponding Cayuse Legacy applications, all active Legacy studies must be closed by April 30th, 2024. This decision was made based on institutional recommendations to ensure compliance with current UTD / IRB Policies and Procedures, HHS Regulations, and NIH Policy. A new Initial application must be submitted …read more

Types of Agreements

Allocation of Rights An Allocation of Rights (AOR) document is a non-monetary agreement establishing the rights between parties to existing (background) and future (foreground) intellectual property (IP). Generally, IP will be discussed in funding agreements in conjunction with the rest of the terms and conditions. When IP rights are necessary to establish prior to an …read more


Tips for Engaging with Industry Sponsors General Principles We work with faculty to understand each research project a contract is meant to cover, negotiate the agreement terms with sponsoring agencies, and obtain institutional approvals for the contracts from University administration. Our goal is to put legally binding contracts into place that are most appropriate for each …read more

Award Negotiation and Acceptance

Pre-Award Administration Budget Negotiations Preliminary budget negotiations are often conducted between the Principal Investigator and the technical contact for the sponsor in order to determine an appropriate level of funding for the program proposed by the Investigator. Such preliminary discussions are encouraged. The Principal Investigator should contact OSP for established rates for fringe benefits, facilities, …read more

Broader Impacts

For assistance in writing your federally funded Broader Impacts (BI) statements, sign up for a BI plan consultation. During the consultation, you can expect guided instruction covering the Advancing Research Impact in Society (ARIS) BI Toolkit. The Toolkit includes a planning checklist, BI Wizard, BI Project Rubric, and Guiding Principles. ARIS Toolkit resources are educational, …read more

Compliance Approval

Animal Care and Use Researchers and/or teaching faculty who are planning projects involving the use of any animal should contact Cynthia Tralmer, IACUC Coordinator, at 972-883-4597 in the early stages of planning. Required forms for animal utilization are available at the Office of Research Integrity and Outreach. Day-to-day supervision and monitoring of all animal related …read more

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