Featured Posts

March 7th, 2016

Limited Submissions Due in March and April


Below are some of the limited submissions with internal deadlines in March and April. To be considered for these opportunities, please send a letter of intent (LOI) to Beth Keithly by the Internal deadline. The LOI for any internal limited submission needs to be a one page document (it may be a bit longer or shorter, …read more

March 1st, 2016

Spin It

Spinning top

Recently, I got to speak at my son’s elementary school’s Career Day. I did it the year before and had a great time, so I signed up again. The format is pretty consistent. I got a few minutes per class to tell them about my career path, focusing heavily on my education, and then what …read more

February 23rd, 2016

10 Books You Ought to Read


I don’t think it will come as a particular shock to anyone that I refer to books when I need to learn something new or increase my current pool of knowledge. As a result, I have quite a collection of books about all kinds of things, and a lot of them are on writing and …read more

February 17th, 2016

Q&A with Professor of Public Policy and NCAA Athletics Representative

Dr. Kurt Beron

Dr. Kurt Beron is a professor at the university’s School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences. We recently met with Dr. Beron to discusses his latest research project and the work he’s doing with the NCAA. He will be the featured speaker at the Data Management, Ownership and Intellectual Property meeting to discuss responsible data management …read more

February 10th, 2016

Q&A: Zika Virus – Insight From An Epidemic Expert


Last week, the World Health Organization (WHO) gathered in Geneva, Switzerland to declare an international public health emergency over the mosquito-borne Zika virus. The response comes after an alarming number of cases were being reported across Latin America, including a worrying number of infants being born with abnormally small brains and skulls, a birth defect …read more

February 9th, 2016

Worldwide Efforts of Researcher Impacts Health, Atherosclerosis

Melanie Maurer

It’s no surprise that UT Dallas senior, Melanie Maurer, has an interest in matters of the heart.  Upon meeting the backpack-toting biomedical engineering student, it’s equally clear to see that she’s prepared for the journey of combating heart disease.  Bringing not only awards, knowledge, and volunteer experience into classrooms and labs, she also possesses a …read more

February 2nd, 2016

Proposal Writing Tips for Non-Native English Speakers

Word cloud

Proposals often require specialized language, providing a special challenge for non-native English speakers even though they may be very proficient in English. Because grammatical errors and awkward phrasing can distract reviewers from the content of the proposal, PIs should make every effort to avoid these mistakes. Below are a few mistakes that are commonly made by PIs whose native language is not English.

January 19th, 2016

Upcoming Due Dates for Limited Submissions

Phone on Calendar

Below are some of the limited submissions with internal deadlines in February and March. To be considered for these opportunities, please send a letter of intent (LOI) to Beth Keithly by the internal deadline. The LOI for any internal limited submission needs to be a one-page document (it may be a bit longer or shorter, but …read more

January 12th, 2016

Q&A: Thoughts on New Elements Added to Periodic Table

Dr. Bruce Gnade

Last week, it was announced that four new elements would be added to the periodic table, a collaboration from researchers in Russia, Japan and the U.S. Elements 113, 115, 117, and 118, which will complete the seventh row, are superheavy elements, that have an atomic number greater than 104. UT Dallas Vice President for Research, Dr. …read more