Category: FYI

  • Limited Submissions Due in March and April

    Limited Submissions Due in March and April

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    Below are some of the limited submissions with internal deadlines in March and April. To be considered for these opportunities, please send a letter of intent (LOI) to Beth Keithly by the Internal deadline. The LOI for any internal limited submission…

  • Spin It

    Spin It


    Recently, I got to speak at my son’s elementary school’s Career Day. I did it the year before and had a great time, so I signed up again. The format is pretty consistent. I got a few minutes per class…

  • 10 Books You Ought to Read

    10 Books You Ought to Read


    I don’t think it will come as a particular shock to anyone that I refer to books when I need to learn something new or increase my current pool of knowledge. As a result, I have quite a collection of…

  • Office of Research Development Logo Design Challenge

    Office of Research Development Logo Design Challenge

    The winner will receive a $150 Visa Gift Card!   Unleash your creativity! The Office of Research Development needs help designing a logo for their “science café” program called, “Sips of Science.”   What is Sips of Science? UT Dallas…

  • Upcoming Due Dates for Limited Submissions

    Upcoming Due Dates for Limited Submissions

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    Below are some of the limited submissions with internal deadlines in February and March. To be considered for these opportunities, please send a letter of intent (LOI) to Beth Keithly by the internal deadline. The LOI for any internal limited submission…

  • NABI Develops Broader Impacts Guiding Principles

    NABI Develops Broader Impacts Guiding Principles


    The National Association for Broader Impacts (NABI) Broader Impacts Working Group has developed a guiding document for the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) broader impacts (BI) criterion. Released on December 8, 2015, this document exists to assist NSF program managers, proposal…

  • Solicit and Acquire: NSF’s Major Research Instrumentation Program

    Solicit and Acquire: NSF’s Major Research Instrumentation Program

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    Taken directly from the National Science Foundation (NSF) solicitation: “The Major Research Instrumentation Program (MRI) serves to increase access to shared scientific and engineering instruments for research and research training in the nation’s institutions of higher education, not-for-profit museums, science…