Startup FAQ

Commonly Asked Questions Regarding Startup Ventures What qualifies as a UT Dallas startup? What are the realities of establishing a new business? Am I, as UT Dallas faculty/staff member, permitted to start a company and remain at the university? Can I license from the university a technology that I invented while at UT Dallas for …read more

Forms and Resources

Forms and Agreements Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA): A legal contract between at least two parties that outlines confidential material, knowledge, or information that the parties wish to share with one another for certain purposes, but wish to restrict access to by third parties. Material Transfer Agreement (MTA): A legal contract that governs the transfer of tangible …read more

Report an Invention or Discovery

The Office of Technology Commercialization works with our faculty and other researchers to protect their ideas and inventions.    If you have an invention or idea for software or a technology that you think might be patentable or otherwise protectable—through copyright protection, for example—our team can help you. We strongly advise that you submit invention disclosures …read more

UT Dallas’s New Initiative, Richardson Innovation Quarter

The Office of Research recently finalized and made seed grant award offers to five UT Dallas research teams. The seed grants were for anchoring a public presence of their research centers at the Richardson Innovation Quarter, or IQ Headquarters. The City of Richardson (COR) announced the redevelopment and renovation of the building to house the …read more

Research Expenditures

Research expenditures, funds spent to conduct research, are the nationally accepted method to measure annual funds used on research activities. A research activity is represented by the amount spent by the sponsoring agency (expenditure) on a research project. The following information includes the various reports of research expenditures. UT Dallas provides comprehensive information based on …read more

Social Disability for Autistic Adults is Not an Individual Trait

Research at The University of Texas at Dallas is uncovering factors that contribute to better social outcomes for autistic adults. A poster was created about this topic. Autism is a developmental disability defined by social difficulties and repetitive behaviors. About 1-2% of the population is estimated to be on the autism spectrum. Autistic adults without …read more

Impure Milk Means Health Risks for Populations Across the Globe

Research at the University of Texas at Dallas offers practical recommendations to solve the milk-quality problem. A poster was created about this topic. Milk is a vital nutritional staple, especially in the developing third world. Economically motivated adulteration of milk is a serious and common problem widely reported in many countries such as Brazil, China, …read more

Dr. Lawrence Reitzer, Defining Bacteria in UTIs

Dr. Lawrence Reitzer is a Professor in the department of Biological Sciences of the School of Natural Sciences & Mathematics at the University of Texas at Dallas. In collaboration with Dr. Philippe Zimmern of the urology department at the University of Texas Southwestern, Dr. Reitzer’s current research aims to understand and characterize the two major …read more

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