Internal Funding

The Office of Research and Innovation funds many seed grant initiatives. While each program is designed to support different opportunities, they all share the goal of growing the quality and quantity of research at UT Dallas. Below you will find brief summaries of each seed program. Follow the links for full program details including eligibility …read more


Fees Imaging core rates effective January 1st, 2023 Instrument External Academic user ($/hr) External Academia Service ($/hr) Slide Scanner-Olympus VS120 21 44 Laser confocal-Olympus FV3000RS 40 64 Spinning Disk-Olympus SD-OSR 40 64 Cell TIRF-Olympus IX83 TIRF 40 64 Multiphoton-FLIM 40 64 Multiphoton-Olympus MPE-RS TWIN 66 90 Workstation#2 – Cell Sens / Fluoview 0 45 Workstation#3 …read more

Award Closeout

Close-out Process The closeout process for sponsored projects is a post-award activity and is handled jointly by Sponsored Projects, Post-Award Management, Receivables and Sponsored Accounting. Information regarding the process can be accessed here. No Cost Extension One of the most frequently asked questions from Principal Investigators is what to do in order to extend a project …read more

Cost Center and Budget Modifications

Budget Changes All sponsored project budget revisions are conducted by the Office of Post-Award Management (OPM). If sponsored approval is necessary, OPM will work to obtain necessary approvals. See the Prior Approval Guide to determine if sponsor approval may be needed. The following may require OSP approval: Supplemental Funds Requests Requests for additional funding on …read more

New Profile Tool

The Office of Research is pleased to announce Profiles, a new faculty profiling tool. Profiles provides new options for updating and maintaining university-wide content. Data feeds are now available for school and university websites. Providing external visibility and access to leading research experts, this platform promotes knowledge sharing and networking among leading academic experts, industry, and …read more

Posted in FYI

“Never Give Up, Never Quit”: Dr. James Carter is the Classic Student

It’s impossible to talk about the history of research at UT Dallas without mentioning associate professor emeritus of geoscience, Dr. James Carter. Recruited from Rice University in 1963, he arrived in 1964 as a senior researcher and is one of the early faces of both the Graduate Research Center of the Southwest (GRCSW) and Southwest …read more

Disclosing Your Invention to OTC

Do you perform research? Have you ever wondered what to do when you make a novel discovery? While your instinct may be to publish such findings quickly, there are oftentimes when a different perspective on invention management could yield greater scientific impact and mitigate potential risks. To this end, the Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC) …read more

Posted in FYI

Call for Workshop Proposals

Deadline for proposal submission: March 9, 2018 In an effort to promote collaboration, the Office of the Provost at The University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas) is supporting the development and implementation of workshops that bring together faculty and students from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (UTSW) and UT Dallas. Proposals for …read more

Material Transfer Agreements

Information A material transfer agreement (MTA) is a legal document put in place when a physical substance or information is transferred into or out of UT Dallas. MTAs assure that the provider and recipient have a mutual understanding of how the materials can be used. The Office of Research and Innovation recommends researchers put in …read more

Export Controls

Information Shipping export-controlled items outside of the U.S. may require a license from one of the federal departments responsible for export control. If you are unsure whether a license is needed for your items, please contact the Export Compliance Officer. If a license is required, please be aware export licenses can take up to six months …read more

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