1. Read the consent form and ask the PI any questions you may have.  You should understand what procedures will occur before you agree to participate.
  2. Contact the Principal Investigator (PI) if you desire to terminate involvement in a study.
  3. Know the start and end dates of your participation.
  4. Contact the PI or the Office of Research Integrity and Outreach with complaints or concerns about study participation.
  5. Report any and all unanticipated problems to the PI immediately.
  6. Comply with responsibilities of participation as enumerated on the consent forms unless discontinuing participation in the study.
  7. Confirm receipt of extra-credit points or monetary compensation.
  8. Maintain copy of consent form for your records.
  9. The integrity of research depends upon honest and ethical subject participation.
  10. Request study results if so desired.
  11. Carefully weigh the potential benefits of participation (if any) against actual risk of participating.